
Building a healthy relationship with your spouse

Building a healthy relationship with your spouse is not always easy, but it is an important part of being a good Muslim. In Islam, marriage is a sacred institution that is meant to be a source of love, support, and companionship for both partners. But to make a marriage work, both husband and wife need to put in the effort and be willing to compromise. In Quran, the husband and wife relationship in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 187, states: "They are your garments and you are their garments." This verse highlights the mutual love, respect, and support that should exist between a husband and wife. It emphasizes that each partner is a source of protection and comfort for the other, much like how a garment provides warmth and protection for the body. This verse also suggests that a healthy marriage is one in which they committed both partners to support and care for each other. One of the most important things to remember in building a healthy relationship with your spouse is to

How do we Improve our Mental and Overall Health

Make sure our mind gets the proper nutrition because it is the primary gateway to the body and soul. Stress , loss, grief, fear and some negative beliefs all have the potential to be harmful to severe mental health. Serious mental health issues may reduce life expectancy by 10 to 15 years, according to research. These recipes can contribute to a longer life and greater mental wellness Our brain is a powerful device, and our state of mind affects our consciousness and how our bodies perform. Ch oose to replace destructive behaviors with a greater focus on the present. Healthy routines that can take the place of self-destructive actions like self-compassion practice. A fantastic place to start is with positive affirmations. Count your blessing. Begin by forgiving yourself and others. Set a particular positive goal and start working toward it. Investing time in your town or other places where you engage in construction to improve and experience a sense of belonging. Putting self-awaren

The value of self-affirmation in goal achievement

I understand that when we repeatedly say  something  unpleasant or pleasant about ourselves, consciously or  unconsciously,  it becomes  imprinted  in our  minds. When I asked her if she ever tried to assert herself, one  of my clients  said,  "Well, it's not like I look in the mirror and say,  'I'm amazing.  I don't blame  him  at  all. While looking in the mirror and posing  can improve our self-esteem  for  some people,  it  doesn't work  for everyone. What are your priorities ? Instead  of thinking of self-affirmation as a  short   affirmation , as in the mirror example,  think of  it as a  potentially more powerful "recognition  of  true Value." If  you  really  want to  stand up for  your  beliefs,  consider why they are valuable to you and what you  can  do to support  them. The  importance of  purpose  and  affirmation  allows us to consider why my  work/relationships are  meaningful to me and how  they fit  into my identity . Be as specific

Teach Your Children, Some Rules.

If you want your children to be obedient, you must first set up ground rules. There is no one-size-fits-all choice for establishing regulations. Because each family has its unique culture and requirements, what works in one may not work in another. But teach your kids about taking care of the house without establishing distinctions between boys and girls. But, here are a few basic suggestions that should be useful to everyone. Keep in mind that it intended regulations for children, not parents. The greatest approach to teaching children is to set a good example and have them follow it; therefore, you might agree when they request parents follow the same guidelines. Don’t let your children pressure you to follow the same rules they do; not all the regulations that apply to them may also apply to you. This encourages children to understand that parents have authority, not the children. No matter what your child is asked to do, if it makes them feel uncomfortable, they should not do i

What can I do right now to shift the direction of my life for the better?

What can I do right now to shift the direction of my life for the better?  ~ One step you may take to enhance your quality of life is to realize that many parts of life are out of your control. You have control over your perspective, attitude, emotional stability, endurance, and the way you choose to react to any event life throws at you. Changing one's life is a challenge. Remember that change is the one thing that is constant in life if you ask this question. The more we fight against it, the harder life gets. Instead of avoiding it, consider how you may shift your lifestyle to accommodate the changes taking place all around you. One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to make the change is to make a list of all the benefits it will bring to your life. Indicate the benefits for both your life and the lives of your loved ones. If you're wondering how to make a change in your life, here are some good tips. Less is spent, and more are saved. If you don