The value of self-affirmation in goal achievement

I understand that when we repeatedly say something unpleasant or pleasant about ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, it becomes imprinted in our minds.

When I asked her if she ever tried to assert herself, one of my clients said, "Well, it's not like I look in the mirror and say, 'I'm amazing. I don't blame him at all.

While looking in the mirror and posing can improve our self-esteem for some people, it doesn't work for everyone.

What are your priorities?

Instead of thinking of self-affirmation as a short affirmation, as in the mirror example, think of it as a potentially more powerful "recognition of true Value." If you really want to stand up for your beliefs, consider why they are valuable to you and what you can do to support them.

The importance of purpose and affirmation allows us to consider why my work/relationships are meaningful to me and how they fit into my identity. Be as specific as possible when describing your skills and goals, no matter how small. It can be as simple as remembering what you did to show kindness, connecting with an old friend, or imagining a future act of kindness.

Self-affirmation teaches the brain to focus on action and is a positive word used to increase focus on personal goals. The problem, however, is that no one knows how to do it. How do they get started? It all comes down to simple daily routines that can help you adjust your perspective on various things in life for a more positive mindset.

So, what is self-affirmation and how does it work?

When we commit to a value, the brain's reward system is activated, especially when it is our most important value.
These brain responses to reward are a powerful source of disabling the brain's stress warning system.
The more we affirm a value, the more our brain trains the part that makes that connection, helping us trust ourselves in the situation. It also allows you not to think about future problems.

The researchers found that students who engaged in positive self-affirmation writing practice for two weeks before the exam had lower stress responses, as measured by stress hormones than students who did not engage in short-term activities."They explained: These two sessions allowed us to change their stress level the night before the exam.

When we experience anxiety or stress, we think less of ourselves, says a generous expert, an organic chemist and author of Contagious Power of Thinking: How Your Thoughts Can Influence the WorldPerhaps a more specific technique for building confidence is self-affirmation, which helps improve this perspective.

Previously, future-oriented, self-affirmation was associated with better self-processing, including positive values ​​or better self-perception.

Developing the thought processes related to how we feel takes time, just like a building muscles in the gym. Neuroscientists refer to the brain's ability to adapt as neuroplasticity. All you really have to do is the practice or think about something to train a certain part of your brain.

Then, how do we start?

Take small steps. Consider using writing as a tool and spend 5 minutes each day, listing your blessings to reflect on your priorities. Working on our internal dialogue can also be helpful.

If you're writing about a conversation with a new friend or acquaintance at a social event, it's helpful to practice these affirmations, write them down, and repeat them to yourself to support your ideas. However, positive affirmations are no substitute for saying them out loud to yourself. You have to get through it, and then that feeling of relaxation will serve as a reward for the rest of the day.
When it comes to achieving goals, being active is more important than being inactive. Imagine that a positive affirmation has already come true in your life. Look at your behaviour and think as the affirmations say
. From this exercise, our subconscious receives a visual and an auditory message about what will happen next.

Acting as though it's true gives you the mental strength to do what you've imagined as a reality. Being honest with yourself is important. Make a list of situations in which you see negative thoughts.

Look at your family, friends, work, finances, self-esteem, and other areas of your life. Does any area of ​​your life seem to see this more often? It is important to choose statements that suit you. After reading them, you'll feel like you need to hear them.

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Our mission is to "Love Nature and enhance Human beauty" which means personal development.



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